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Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I worry about what my child drinks?

Sugary drinks are high in calories and low in nutrients. They won’t help curb hunger and won’t give your child the nutrients needed to grow well or perform at his or her best.  Also, sipping on sugary drinks throughout the day can cause dental erosion and cavities.

Don’t active kids need sports drinks to stay hydrated?

No. So-called “sports” drinks have lots of sugar. Children just don’t need them to stay hydrated. Water is the best drink for active kids.

But isn’t fruit juice healthy for kids?

Most of what looks like fruit juice is just sugar water with some fruit flavoring, and it has as much added sugar as pop. It’s best to limit or avoid juice altogether. Even 100% fruit juices (like orange juice) have sugar. A single serving of juice is just 125 mL (1/2 cup), and one juice serving is enough in one day. It’s better to eat fruit or veggies than drink them.

Sugary drinks are OK for older children, aren’t they?

No. Sugary drinks increase everyone’s chances of developing diabetes or getting heart disease. So, it’s best for all children to start healthy habits while young. Older children and staff are important role models for young children and should also avoid sugary drinks.